Salicornia, date seeds, mulberry leaves, and sesame seeds are alternatives to solve the fodder crisis

With the increasing poultry crisis and the rise in their prices, due to the lack of fodder such as soybeans and corn, there is a search for possible alternatives to get out of that crisis. Poultry nutrition specialists, lack of space and lack of water resources prevent self-sufficiency or expansion of such crops, and the solution is to resort to the use of agricultural residues as fodder.

It is written in the books of the Ministry of Agriculture that a long time ago, the Egyptian rural village was the one that exported chicks and eggs to London, and when we started raising white chickens while we were a country that did not produce grain, we stopped exporting.

The poultry industry suffers from frequent crises

Dr. Ahmed Hussein Abdel-Meguid, a professor of poultry nutrition at the Animal Production Research Institute, says that the poultry industry suffers from frequent crises, as a result of the rise in the dollar and the sale of feed on the black market, indicating that there was no vision and scenarios before in anticipation of the occurrence of such crises, explaining that it was Supervising one of the research messages at Ain Shams University, which included a question, “What if the corn and soybean boats are delayed, what will happen to the poultry industry?” Adding that these researches, unfortunately, were not applied, and we are now in the crisis!

Expansion of soybean and corn cultivation is an “illusion”

Dr. added. Hussein said that the idea of expanding the cultivation of soybeans and corn is an illusion, due to the lack of cultivated areas and the lack of water resources, so it is necessary to resort to using agricultural waste as poultry feed to get out of the crisis, explaining that there are 40 million tons of agricultural waste that can be used as feed. Alternatives, including date seeds, which can be added to fodder at a rate of 20%, and gives the same nutritional value, then the waste of the sasban tree, which contains 36% protein, bread crumbs, and mulberry leaves, in addition to the “Salicornia” plant, which contains the highest protein content of 40%. Filling the gap of fodder and oils in Egypt, as it is irrigated with salty sea water, and is inexpensive in its cultivation, all of these are alternatives to solve the fodder crisis.

Quail eggs do not solve the protein crisis

Regarding the talk about supporting the Egyptian market with quail eggs, Dr. Ahmed Hussein confirms that quail is like poultry, but rather it needs 28% more protein than the poultry itself, and therefore this was not a problem with eggs, so it is preferable to resort to waterfowl such as ducks and geese, because they are Birds that feed on the least, and do not need soybeans and corn.

Dr. Ahmed called on the officials and everyone involved in breeding or animal and agricultural production to review research in agricultural research centers. According to him, there are hundreds of researches that include solutions and many alternatives to feed to solve the problem of poultry, as feed represents 85% of the product’s feed.

