Black sands are natural treasures on the beaches of Egypt. Get to know them

شواطئ الرمال السوداء

The Egyptian black sand was considered by many to be a national wealth that must be preserved to revive the Egyptian economy, after President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi inaugurated the Black Sand Factories Complex in the city of Burullus in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate, with the aim of extracting heavy metals from these sands, which are used in many fine industries.

The official spokesman for the Presidency of the Republic stated that “the black sand plant in Kafr El-Sheikh is the most modern of its kind in the world using advanced mining technology,” adding that it is considered a new addition to a series of major national projects aimed at maximizing the utilization and optimal exploitation of Egypt’s natural resources, and achieving the added value of minerals. Extracted from black sand, which is used in many fine industries, which opens horizons for new investments that support the national economy and the comprehensive development process.

What is black sand?

Black sand is beach sediment that comes from the headwaters of the Nile, and it was named by this name because it contains many heavy metals, and therefore it is predominantly dark in color. Egypt includes 11 sites where black sand is spread, according to estimates by the Egyptian Nuclear Materials Authority.

Also, according to the authority, black sand is a huge wealth for Egypt, as it is used in 41 different industries, from which dozens of minerals are extracted using special devices.

The authority added that among the most prominent minerals found in black sands are: ilmenite, zircon, magnetite, rutile, garnet, in addition to monazite, which contains radioactive materials. .

Black sand deposits are present in Egypt in large quantities on the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, and they are spread along the coast from Abu Qir in Alexandria to Rafah, with a length of about 400 km. They are also found in other areas in the south of Berenice and Lake Nasser.

