The French president calls for an ambitious agreement on biodiversity

On Sunday, French President Emmanuel Macron called on the participants in the United Nations Conference on Biological Diversity (COP15), which is currently being held in Montreal, Canada, to reach an ambitious agreement on biodiversity.

Macron said in a tweet to him on the social networking site Twitter, and according to the French news channel “BFM”, that simple decisions should not be taken, but that the utmost should be done.

He also asked the participating countries to reach an agreement on better protection of biodiversity, and to agree together on the most ambitious agreement possible because the world needs it.

“If we do not protect our forests, our oceans and all the life they support, we will put our humanity at risk, and for the sake of our children, we must do everything to protect our biodiversity,” he added.

Yasmine Fouad: Egypt was keen to place biodiversity at the heart of the “COP 27” conference
Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, held a press conference on the announcement of the ENACT initiative partnership for nature-based solutions, with the participation of Dr. Christian Paulos, Director General of Nature Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Nature-Based Climate Action (BMUV) in Germany, on the sidelines of the activities of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention. Nations Biodiversity COP15 held in Canada.

During the press conference, Dr. Yasmine Fouad stressed that Egypt was keen to place biodiversity at the heart of the COP 27 Climate Conference, as one of the thematic days of the conference, which is a milestone on the way towards the COP 15 Conference on Biological Diversity in Montreal, with the aim of creating clear links between climate change and biodiversity. and trying to find solutions to overcome these two challenges at the same time.

The Minister of Environment indicated that the ENACT initiative for nature-based solutions was the most important fruits of the Biodiversity Day at the COP 27 Sharm El-Sheikh Climate Conference, as Egypt launched it in cooperation with Germany and the participation of a number of other countries such as France, Japan, Korea, Malawi and Bangladesh, and Egypt is keen to proceed to the next climate conference. COP 28 outlines the implementation results of this initiative.

