Rawya Mansour: Food security and gender issues are important for achieving sustainable development

Mrs. Rawia Mansour, entrepreneur and CEO of Ramsco Egypt and Oasis Technologies Monaco, said that the issue of food security is one of the most important issues that must be highlighted during climate change conferences, due to its strong impact on societies, as the high temperatures resulting from climate change have led to the inability to grow many crops. Food, pointing out that more space should be available to discuss the dimensions of the issue of food security and pioneering and innovative solutions in this field to ensure the provision of safe and healthy food for future generations.

This came during the symposium of “Foreign Policy” magazine, in which Rawia Mansour participated, as she was the only speaker from Egypt. International business leaders and entrepreneurs from around the world concerned with food security and gender equality issues include Dan Glickman, former US Secretary of Agriculture, Programmeovers, Managing Director of CIMMYT, Esther Moara Moiro, Managing Director of Stand for Her Land, Women’s Land Rights Foundation and Bianca Dager, Co-Founder, Precious Verdes.

Rawia Mansour explained that I started working in this field through the Ramsco projects for sustainable development and organic agriculture, working in the field of recycling food waste through the use of “green coal”, which is one of the unique ways to eliminate heat emissions, because we are working to improve the soil and reduce the used water, as we provide 30% above drip, or approximately 60% with drip, and at the same time we provide healthy food without using any pesticides. This project leads to a circular economy, as we recycle all agricultural waste to become zero.”

Rawia Mansour added: “I obtained patents in two projects, the first of which is the “Bio char” machine, or green coal, which manufactures green coal from rice straw along with other waste, instead of the pollution caused by burning these wastes, and the second patent was in fertilizers. Or agricultural improvements, which work to reduce water use and at the same time increase productivity. We also obtained European certificates for the quality of organic products and crops and the possibility of exporting them.” In addition, “Mansour” was able, through her project, to empower women and girls in the agricultural communities in which she works, as she indicated that the woman used to get half the wage that a man gets from working in agriculture, in addition to seizing another part of her wages for the benefit of the field supervisor, but she managed A story of achieving the reduction of gender inequality in her project and giving equal and equal wages without any deductions or encroachments on women’s rights.

Rawia emphasized that empowering women in agricultural societies gave them strength and financial independence and eliminated the idea of early marriage, which many families resorted to to get rid of the financial burdens of girls, noting that it is an integrated system that if efforts are combined to reform it, it will lead to positive results in society as a whole.

For his part, former US Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman confirmed Ms. Rawia’s speech, explaining that the majority of agricultural workers around the world are women, and despite this fact, they face unequal wages and violence in many areas.

CIMMYT General Manager Bram Goverts said his company’s work in biodiversity helps achieve food security and migration threats that Ms. Rawia briefly referred to in her speech. By introducing human-driven wheat varieties and innovations that can prevent potential conflicts and enhance human nutrition, the company’s vital innovations are becoming even more important in a world facing the potential impacts of climate change.

The symposium reviewed many opinions and trends and opened areas of communication between different countries under the umbrella of COP27 in pursuit of achieving sustainable development goals and highlighting pioneering models and positive and effective innovations in this field.

