President El-Sisi’s speech at the opening session of the Sharm El-Sheikh summit to implement climate commitments

Your Majesties, Excellencies and Highnesses,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
First of all, I would like to welcome all of you to Egypt, which I would like you all to consider as a second country for you. The most important and urgent global issue.. which is confronting climate change.. through the work of the twenty-seventh session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27), which is being held in its current session in Sharm El-Sheikh.. the city of peace.. and the first Egyptian city to know its way Towards a green transition.. to which the eyes and minds of millions around the world are concerned to follow the proceedings of our conference.. and the resulting results that contribute to transforming the destinies of millions of people for the better.. and in creating a clean and sustainable environment.. and a climate that is more responsive to the needs of peoples.. and favorable conditions for life. Work and grow, without harming the resources of our world that must be developed, invested and made more sustainable.
The millions who follow us today as they followed our summit last year…. Women, men, youth and children, farmers, workers and business owners, people from all over our planet… they share one destiny and one goal, some of them are here with us… some of them are outside these halls and in front of screens… they ask us difficult but necessary questions… questions we must To ask ourselves before it is directed to us: Are we today closer to achieving our goals than a year ago? Have we been able, during the past year, to assume our responsibilities as world leaders in dealing with the most dangerous and influential issues of the century? .. And the most important question that we must ask ourselves: Are the goals we aspire to achieve fall within the scope of the possible? Undoubtedly.. it is not impossible.. but if there is a real will and sincere intention to promote joint climate action.. and translate the results of our meetings into a tangible reality.
I trust that you are here today in order to answer these questions … and to respond to the concerns of millions around the world who are suffering now … more than ever before … from climate disasters that are accelerating in an unprecedented manner, day after day, in all parts of our planet … and soon that A disaster ends in one place until another begins in another… leaving behind thousands of victims, injured and displaced people… and causing material losses in the billions… as if the world had become a theater for a continuous display of human suffering in its harshest form. Here we have to stop and ask ourselves an urgent question: Isn’t it time for this suffering to end?

Your Majesties, Excellencies and Highnesses,
What our world needs today to overcome the current climate crisis, and to reach what we agreed upon as goals in the Paris Agreement, goes beyond mere slogans and words… What our peoples are waiting for from us today is swift, effective and fair implementation… Our peoples expect from us real and tangible steps towards reducing emissions and building the capacity to Adapting to the consequences of climate change, and providing the necessary financing for developing countries that suffer more than others from the current climate crisis… From this standpoint; We have made sure to call this summit the “Implementation Summit”, which is the goal around which all our efforts and endeavors should focus.

Despite all the challenges that we have faced during the past period and are still facing, in addition to all the factors that I know cast a shadow of doubt and uncertainty about our ability to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement and protect our planet from a future in which the temperature rise reaches two and a half or even three degrees. percentage…. Despite all of this, there are evidences and other factors that call us to hold on to hope in humanity’s ability to create a better future for future generations that do not have to bear the consequences of mistakes that it did not commit, and in peoples who have become more aware and aware of the size of the challenge and the requirements to confront it and the exorbitant price of inaction or retreat… There is also hope in governments that know what they must do, and are already striving to do it according to their capabilities and capabilities… And in a global business sector and civil society that now possesses the tools that qualify it to play important roles in this regard.

In Egypt, we have set ambitious goals, which we have expressed in Egypt’s national strategy to confront climate change… We are working diligently to accelerate the pace of green transformation by expanding reliance on renewable energy and clean transportation… We have taken tangible steps towards bringing about a structural transformation in laws, legislation, and work mechanisms government, which contributes to the promotion of green investments… Perhaps the National Program for Investment in Water, Energy and Food Projects “Novi” that Egypt recently launched is the embodiment of this ambition and this trend… What Egypt is witnessing today in terms of a shift towards a green economy with low emissions in all fields is a practical translation of what We called and are calling for it on the need for actual implementation on the ground… The best proof that there is still hope to overcome the challenge of climate change if there is will and determination.

Perhaps you will agree with me that if we really want to walk together towards a future in which we guarantee that temperatures will remain at a level below two degrees Celsius… And if we are really determined to create a future for everyone and by all… then my duty is to make it clear to you some concerns that we must not overlook or forget. Its existence … which is that our ability as an international community to move forward in a unified and consistent manner towards implementing our commitments and commitments in accordance with the Paris Agreement depends on the amount of trust that we can build among us … and therefore it is necessary for all parties from developing countries to feel, especially in our African continent, That its priorities are responded to and taken into account … and that it assumes its responsibilities according to its capabilities and to the extent that it receives adequate support and funding in accordance with the principle of joint and differentiated responsibility

